In Ireland, there's very little that a cup of tea can't fix. In fact, if tea can't resolve it, then it really must be serious... I don't drink black tea and never have, my tea drinking habits (or lack of) have always been a matter for suspicion among most Irish Mammies.
I might not drink 'normal' tea, but I do drink herbal teas and even some I make myself. Today feels like a homemade tea morning; we haven't seen the sun in weeks, the snow has turned to slush, everything is wet
and grey and it's February! I know, I know, technically it's Winter, but according to my internal calendar, the 1st of February is Spring. In the Celtic tradition, February 1st is Imbolc, the feast day that celebrates the beginning of Spring, the lengthening days and the early signs of life after Winter. The lighting of candles and fires represents the return of warmth and the growing power of the sun. I trust that the sun is up there above the clouds, but today, I need some help from tea...and candles.
So, here is the easiest and most delicious lemon & ginger tea, perfect first thing in the morning as it stimulates your metabolism, fires up your liver and gives your digestive fire or 'agni' in ayurvedic terms, a kick in the bum. Just squeezing the juice from lemons feels like an act of defiance on such a grey day and as I lick the juice from my fingers, reminds me of sunnier climes.
What you'll need
Put the ginger, lemon juice and honey into the teapot.
Boil the kettle and fill the teapot (you can adjust the amount of ginger and lemon to suit your teapot, but this amount gave me 4 cups).
Stir to dissolve the honey.
Let the tea infuse for 10 minutes or so.
Light a few candles and an open fire if you're lucky enough to have one...and pour a cup of yummy tea. It'll make you smile, I promise.
I might not drink 'normal' tea, but I do drink herbal teas and even some I make myself. Today feels like a homemade tea morning; we haven't seen the sun in weeks, the snow has turned to slush, everything is wet
and grey and it's February! I know, I know, technically it's Winter, but according to my internal calendar, the 1st of February is Spring. In the Celtic tradition, February 1st is Imbolc, the feast day that celebrates the beginning of Spring, the lengthening days and the early signs of life after Winter. The lighting of candles and fires represents the return of warmth and the growing power of the sun. I trust that the sun is up there above the clouds, but today, I need some help from tea...and candles.
So, here is the easiest and most delicious lemon & ginger tea, perfect first thing in the morning as it stimulates your metabolism, fires up your liver and gives your digestive fire or 'agni' in ayurvedic terms, a kick in the bum. Just squeezing the juice from lemons feels like an act of defiance on such a grey day and as I lick the juice from my fingers, reminds me of sunnier climes.
What you'll need
- A big teapot, with an internal strainer or a tea strainer to pour the tea through.
- 1 tbsp of freshly grated ginger - if you have a microplane, it works a dream. If you don't have any kind of grater, slice the ginger with a knife, but use more as it won't be as juicy.
- 1 or 2 lemons, juiced
- 1 tbsp local, organic (if possible) honey

Put the ginger, lemon juice and honey into the teapot.
Boil the kettle and fill the teapot (you can adjust the amount of ginger and lemon to suit your teapot, but this amount gave me 4 cups).
Stir to dissolve the honey.
Let the tea infuse for 10 minutes or so.
Light a few candles and an open fire if you're lucky enough to have one...and pour a cup of yummy tea. It'll make you smile, I promise.
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